Around a thousand Refugees were removed from a site in Calais yesterday, in a matter of hours the site had been cleared and then razed to the ground. The refugees were from all over the world and were hoping to travel to Britain to set up home where they wanted to begin a better life.
Protesters spent Tuesday morning trying to stop the refugee camp in Calais, northern France, being closed down. But Ultimately had to accept their fate.
However all is not as it first appeared, this looks to have been just a huge PR exercise because new camps have sprung up just a couple of hundred yards away from the original, it all looked very impressive for the TV French Police backed by the Army fighting the protestors but once the cameras were turned of it was business as usual.
Shame on us fooled by the frogs whatever next?
"Essayez l'Angleterre»: c'est les conseils donnés par la police française aux immigrants aspirant dans le camp de réfugiés près de Calais, connue comme «la jungle»