Friday, 16 April 2010

Election Debate

I’m embarrassed to say I missed the live showing of the first ever live televised election debate this Country has ever had, but I have almost caught up with a recording of the show and am now just   a little behind as I have not watched it in it’s entirety.

I did however see the part on immigration and give the first round convincingly to David Cameron, a blind man can see we need a border police force and he is the only one advocating the need, the other two kept harping on about inward migration without really appreciating inward migration isn’t the real problem but illegal migration is.

Clegg’s regional only policy on immigration was laughable, according to Clegg once an immigrant comes into a region to fill a  job vacancy he is then not allowed to leave that region, how does he propose we enforce this, give each migrant their own policeman to monitor them 24/7?

Brown claimed the Labour policy of giving foreign nationals ID cards that they then  had to produce before they could work in this Country was effective, effective he claimed  because employers ran the risk of huge fines for employing workers without said ID cards, but he neglected to offer any information on whether there had been any instances where any action had been taken against any employer for doing so, I suspect none had or Brown would have trotted the statistics out, one thing about our Gordon is he does love a statistic.

So round one to Cameron in a convincing manner, I will offer my opinions on each part of the debate as I watch it, hopefully I will have caught up with the rest of the nation in the not to distant future.

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