Sunday 26 July 2009

Beckham The Thug

A new video released today shows what David Beckham really said to the fan he argued with last week. Though Beckham claimed it was not a big deal and he only offered to shake the mans hand, this footage clearly shows him swearing at and offering to fight the fan as seen here.

I called Beckham a thug in my last piece and I call him a thug again today. How this overpaid overrated has been continues to dominate news coverage I don’t know.  Once you realise that he is only courted by clubs for his commercial value rather than his footballing ability, you begin to understand why he is acting  like a prima donna, coming to the end of his career must hurt, though he was a decent footballer he is 34 years old now, and his best years are a long way behind him.

Our own FA should be held to account to for insisting that Beckham be part of the team . A place in the squad should be earned on merit not for any other reason. Knowing that the whole World  knows why he is included  goes some way to explaining his behaviour recently.

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