You have to admire Bill Gates, as a young man he dreamt of putting a computer on the desk of everybody in the world who wanted one, he succeeded, his 35 billion dollar charitable foundation set up with his wife Belinda aims to eradicate polio and malaria in the third world thereby saving millions of lives and they are well on the way to doing so, what a fantastic legacy that would be. His latest challenge is to throw his backing behind a technique for controlling the power of hurricanes, I realise that sounds far fetched but so did his computer idea at first. Experts agree that theoretically hurricane control can work, it remains to be seen if the idea can be applied practically. Hurricanes get more powerful as they move along by taking heat energy from the surface of the sea thus increasing momentum, scientists believe by cooling the sea temperatures you can weaken and even stop a hurricane, this could be done by employing a series of barges equipped with pumps along a coastline the idea is to suck colder water to the surface whilst pushing warm water down. So by employing enough barges you could eliminate or significantly reduce the heat rising of the water, again theoretically if you could cool the water temperature down by as much as 4.5 degrees Centigrade you could stop a hurricane completely. I have nothing but admiration for Bill gates due to his fantastic humanitarian efforts, not least his foundation, If anyone can make this a reality Bill Gates can.
Sunday, 19 July 2009
Bill Gates Weather Man
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I agree. However, with Bill Gates record, the barges pumps will most likely crash, requiring constant reboots - and pump software version 1.23.3 need to be installed just as the hurricane gather force, but cannot be done due to 'bargevirus' 2.3v4.
Seriously, good luck to his efforts,