Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Iran Bullies us again

Diplomatic tension between Britain and Iran deepened yesterday with the news that Tehran is holding five British sailors after their yacht apparently strayed into Iranian waters.

This is not the first time British hostages have been taken by the Iranians, as recently a 2 years ago 15 British sailors were held hostage for 13 days, at least that time the Iranians could say it was a military type  vessel that strayed into their waters though that was not admitted by the the British who claimed they were in neutral waters, satellite pictures backed up the British version of events.

But this time its clearly a Yacht with a team of youngsters on board that apparently strayed a measly 500 yards into Iranian waters. The Britons were delivering the yacht to the annual Dubai to Muscat race, a 360-mile voyage through the Straits of Hormuz scheduled to begin the following day.

I suppose  we must now suffer the public humiliation of having our people paraded on TV, denounced as spies, and threatened with trials,  after all that and showing how toothless we are eventually releasing them.

We are viewed as such soft touches around the world, one more thing the Labour Government has done to this once great and proud Country is to extract  it’s teeth and remove its bite.

That’s why we are led by the nose in Europe to, having let France and Germany dictate to us for so long without standing up for ourselves. 

Unlike in Maggies day when she struck the fear of god into Europe and the rest of the world when Britain was respected. We need another Thatcher, roll on May lets kick this spineless bunch out and give Cameron a chance. Maybe we can get some of the Great back into Britain.

DurdensView Tags: , ,

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