Young Jacob Hadcock is 4 years old and has a terminal illness he lives in the United States, He would love to recieve xmas cards or letters from people all over the world, this may be Jacobs last Xmas so lets make his wish come true.
My daughter is a friend of his carer that’s how I became aware of Jacob, so if you are feeling festive and want to make a young child happy send your cards or letters to.
Jacob Hadcock
127 north Street Mexico
New York 13114
Thank you.
I have reqad this message on several forums and facebook posts and am happy to send a card if it's still wanted. However, I have also read that Jacob's parents have requested that no more cards be sent as they have been inundated. Any chance of an update so that I don't send an unwanted card, even with the best of intentions?
Jim (West Sussex, England)
As far as I know Jim, they are still accepting cards, my daughter spoke to Ben Lamb, one of the care workers asscoiated with the family only a couple of days ago and he was still pushing for cards to be sent.