What a brilliant CBB this is turning out to be when I first saw the line up I was a bit disappointed but it is shaping up quite nicely. the biggest surprise is Vinnie Jones who after the few days looked a stand up type of bloke and certainty to win, I was looking at him in a different light compared to his past reputation, but as usual the mask slips and you revert to type, and he is exposed a as bullying gossiping Bitch, he is such a woman I half expect he sits down to wee.
Asshunter from Sweden is equally as obnoxious he is fascinated by farts and shit and those are his main topics of conversation, thankfully now that the Russian prostitute Katya has been evicted he does not get as much air time. Stephanie whilst proving to be the most elegant and stylish of the ladies is as two faced as is possible to be, after spouting on about her special friendship with Ivana Trump and remarking that she had made a friend for life she then went into the diary room and nominated her for eviction.
Stephen Baldwin the ugly one from the Baldwin clan is a born again idiot though he would say Christian, he quotes the Bible all day or should I say misquotes it all day, and he has the most irritating way of talking whereby he can stretch 10 words into a half hour monologue, chuck in his maniacal grin and you would not want to spend to long in there with him.
Alex Reid the cross dressing boyfriend of Jordan is an idiot in the mould of Lenny from “mice and Men” a likeable oaf, he is ok, except when he tries to speak, he is not adding much to the house because all he does all day is train, but he is growing on me and is nowhere near as bad as the press have made him out to be, out of Jordan’s most recent blokes I would rather sit and have a pint with him than any of the others.
Dane Bowers is a prick, he may well need surgery to remove him from the house as he currently has his head stuck up Vinnie Jones’s arse, and I cant see him slipping out easily or willingly.
The ex page 3 girl Nicola T is ok in a dull sort of way, but every time I look at her though I do marvel that she was/is a model, if she can make it as a model perhaps I can to.
This brings me to my favourite and I hope winner, Sisqo an American singer he may only stand about 3 feet high but he has balls, as he displayed when standing up to Vinnie Jones and telling the house that he was a bully, he is immensely likeable very funny and the only one deserving of the title, if as I expect he survives tonight’s eviction watch him antagonize Vinnie causing the Jones mask to slip further, I may even have a fiver on him to win it.
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