Britain drifts further into debt with each passing day the cost of our membership of the European union is astronomical, estimates put it at about a thousand pound per head of our population.
Hard figures of the true cost of the EU are difficult to come by. MPs have called many times for a cost-benefit analysis, to prove or disprove the benefits of membership. Successive Governments, both Labour and Conservative, have refused, on the grounds that the "benefits" are self-evident. In truth they are afraid of what such a study would show. The Bruges Group have produced an authoritative study.
£28 billion for business to comply with EU regulations,
£17 billion of additional food costs resulting from the Common Agricultural Policy
£3.3 billion - the value of the catch lost when the Common Fisheries Policy let other countries fish in our territorial waters
£14.6 billion gross paid into the EU budget and other EU funds.
That is about £65 billion, its a mind boggling amount, even allowing for our rebate which they want to stop, what we could do with that money rather than hand it over to a faceless entity that quite frankly we would be better of without.
Used better, this sum could transform the UK - increase pensions, recruit more doctors, nurses, teachers and police, build advanced transport systems and start paying off the national debt.
The total budget for EU 'administration' alone is £34 billion. The European Commission claims on its website to employ 25,000 staff. The true figure, according to an Open Europe study in August 2008, is 170,000. Nearly 10,000 of these receive over £54,000 pa - over twice as many as in the whole of Whitehall.
Britain's new EU Commissioner, will get £750,000 for just one year's service - including £200,000 in salary, £250,000 in "transitional payments" on leaving the post, and a raft of perks. He/She will also get an annual pension of £8,000 pa for one years service - twice what a UK pensioner gets for a lifetime of work.
Will we ever produce a leader or a party with the sense and courage to take us out of this “club” We are not and there is no need for us to be wholly dependent on Europe for trade, we have the rest of the World to deal with, were we to be blacklisted by the remaining members for pulling out.
Other benefits would include the pulling out of the human rights bill in its entirety and the return of English laws, Laws that have sustained our Country for hundreds of years Laws passed by elected officials elected by us the British people. finally to curb immigration, give our Judges back the powers to send criminals to prison for lengths of sentence that will make them think twice about committing crime, allow us reclaim the streets from the thugs and drunks that currently own them.
Fanciful if not wishful thinking you may say but why cant these things come about, is it to late for Britain, can we only slide further into the abyss, I say its not to late there is just about time for a u-turn, its up to us find this leader and back him and make Britain Great again.
Great Britain has a ring to it.
Great Britain. lets make it so again.