Friday, 12 February 2010

Iran - A Nuclear State?

President Ahmadinejad declared Iran a “nuclear state” today, saying that scientists had produced the first batch of highly enriched uranium, a leap towards the production of weapons-grade fuel.

I don’t believe this to be true, I don’t accept that Iran is that far down the road in enrichment capability, I smell a bluff here, Ahmadinejad is playing clever he is trying to make believe that he is capable of having the bomb in order to protect his Country from attack.

He may believe this to be a sound tactic, but recent history shows that another middle East ruler that faked having weapons capable of wiping out whole city’s ended up swinging from a rope.

I am surprised that Israel have not already attacked known Iranian nuclear sites, I suspect they are holding of because of the unrest in the Country and are hoping that regime change can be affected from within Iran.

Ahmadinejad would do well to remember that pretending to have weapons of mass destruction did not deter the American invasion of Iraq, and is not likely to deter the Israeli’s when they feel it is time.

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